Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Welcome to the wonderful new world of Nikki....

My first blog.

Fed up of logging on each morning and being disappointed that Dave has not updated his blog again, I have decided to entertain myself each morning. (Down boys, not that kind of entertainment).

At my life coaching session last week we discussed what I would like to achieve in the next three years. After coming up with absolutely nothing for about 10 minutes (which is a very long time with your life coach sitting right next to you staring at you expecting an answer) the only think i could think of at first was to stop going to Waxy's and losing a day of my life each weekend!

Then I had a small brain wave that I would actually quite like to write a funny novel.

In all honesty, that is probably not practically realistic (but then again what's stopping me!) so Dave suggested I started small by setting up my own blog to see how quickly I bored people to death. If not, then onwards and upwards, anything is possible.

After writing a blog about my trip to Sri Lanka this year and seeing two friends crying with laughter at my story I figured why not. So hope you get a few laughs along the way with my blog too.

At least my family will be happy that they can now log on and see what mischief I am up to each week.

So what happened in the wonderful world of Nikki this weekend?

Well JK rocked. Unexpectedly so. I quite like his stuff but had a better than expected truly wicked night at the concert. Very well organised and great gig. Have not heard one complaint yet - amazing.

Double Deckers didn't know what hit them afterwards. Clad appropriately with luminous yellow arm bands to prove we were there and the "compulsory concert going flashing rose light things" dangling from our necks we quickly converted an area upstairs into our own private dance floor. Others did try to muscle in on our space but couldn't keep up with the three dancing queens (Me, the Vampire and Aleeeeson) and we soon out danced (and out drank) all of the wanna-be-in-our-gang visitors.

Woke up with sore hips and a black eye from "compulsory concert going flashing rose light things" hitting me in the face several times while jumping. Quality.

Went out at night for a very civilised dinner with Cally, Paul and Rob at Leftbank, which was excellent. It all went downhill after that with a taxi ride to Rock Bottoms for one for the road on way home. Misbehaved very badly but woke up with a smile on Saturday. So did he.

Beach all day and as all working on Easter Sunday, I cooked Easter dinner for girls at night. Turned out to be Christmas dinner as I didn't know what Easter dinner was and didn't think they would be satisfied with just bread and wine alone. Anyway enuf left for the Vampire and I to have all over again tonight. Result.

What I learned at weekend....
1/ JK is brill.
2/ Wear trainers to RW concert, they will have more suspension when landing than boots.
3/ Drinking alco-pop may make you pee like a race horse all night but the hangover is considerably less than vodka ones.
4/ Paul K. cooked the largest steak pie in the world and is in the Guiness Book of records.
5/ Even after 11 years you burn in the sun without enough sun block on.
6/ How to create my very own blog. Thanks George! x

Now I just need to buy a digital camera and you might even get pictures too.....

Life is for living so live it.



  • At 7:31 AM, Blogger George said…

    Great stuff - welcome to the blogosphere Nikki!


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