Nix in Dubai 2006

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Jet lagged...

Getting the hang of this blogging thing.

Ok this one really is for today! I think.

Had to get up really early to go to breakfast meeting at 7am. The only reason I usually get up at what seemed like the middle of the night is to catch a flight. Actually, I feel like I've been on one, I definitely feel like I have jet lag.

I expected the roads to be empty that early - how daft am I? Yep, I was still stuck in traffic. But I won't be mentioning the "T" word again or my comments box will explode.

So N-Bay was busy again today. Sold three more Robbie tickets. And then N & N's N-Bay, sold two, bought one and then sold it again! Confused, no worries, all you need to know is that everyone is happy and will be singing all the way to Nad al Sheba on Nikki's Venga Bus on Friday.

What I learned today so far....
1/ It's still dark at 520am.
2/ There is life before 8am.
3/ Surprisingly, there are actually some people who can have a network event without an alcoholic drink in hand and their tongue in your ear.
4/ A 60 second presentation at 7am is a great constipation cure. Which is great news as now I know that at least I am guaranteed to go at least once a week now. (that should stop the cream rising Mr Hobnob! See comments.)
5/ Or maybe I just shouldn't eat left-over-from-last-night's haggis, neeps and tatties for lunch again.

The next episode in the Wonderful New World of Nikki will be on Sunday, after what will be the biggest concert I have ever attended and Dubai has ever hosted. Fingers crossed it will set a precedent and encourage more super-mega-fab-brill-ace singers/bands to get their asses over here. U2 next please. Pretty please, with bells on.

See ya on the dance floor (grass, ground, tarmac, race track, whatever...)



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