Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

First nicht oot in Inversnekkie

Then after dinner our first braw bricht moonlit nicht oot in Inverness afterwards.

We went to Hootananies and Johnny Fox’s. Other options in the area were Cactus Jacks or Barzar! Actually Barzar used to be my local so we had one first. It was Sunday and we wanted live music to hooch and tooch too but our first choice of Hootananies had a band of old men who looked like they had risen from the grave to play. We had one dram and left.

Oh did I mention the drams? Two gulps and they are gone. Not much point in having a straw in with the vodka in the half sized glass, its finished before you get your change from the bar man.

Then I discovered Magner’s. Now the first time I asked for cider and they said only Magners I had never heard of it and didn’t want it and had vodka. The second time I said ok lets have a go, but no, don’t be ridiculous of course I didn’t want ice. By the end of the holiday a Magners on ice was a compulsory part of my day. Nice!

Anyway, onto the crack. We left the dead men walking in Hootananies and went to Johnny Foxes where it was jumping. Terrrrific that there is no smoking anywhere, but means a lot of people outside instead of in. Their loss, we had a blast. I love being a no smoker now.

The live band was good crack and we managed to get a booth. Didn’t recognize anyone at first. Then this lad kept walking back and fore our booth. Mmmm sure I recognize him… Finally after the 4th or 5th time he walked by staring over…

I said - Do I know you?
He said - yes, who are you?
I’m Nikki who are you?
I don’t know a Colin.
I don’t know a Nikki.
What’s your second name?
AAHHH Coggs, why the hell didn’t you say so! Its Nicola Wilson.
AAAAHHH Nicola, how the fuck are ya? How’s your arse? Stand up! Boys, its Nicola Wilson from school, best arse in school. Stand up!

It all made perfect sense at the time.

So am I pleased to be remembered for my arse in school and not my brains, my amazing personality or art talents? Fucking right I am pleased - apparently I still have it.

Others were remembered as being the prettiest, the brainiest, the nicest etc. Me – perfect arse - every year I was there without fail.

I can think of worse things in life.

Followed by lots of kisses and cuddles and all friends brought over to join us and to look at my arse.

Coggs was a year below me in school with my friend, Caroline. I didn’t remember his name was Colin and it was strange calling him that. And vice versa I was never a Nikki in school, always a Nicola.

Or rather Nicla (the o is dropped in Inversneckie accents).


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