Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

Hard to resist

They were all just so charming and their chat up etiquette was mastered to such a fine finesse that I don’t know how we ever managed to tear ourselves away from them at the end of the night.

Ok - we hardly understood a single word they said most of the night.

But we haven’t laughed so much in a long time. Our sides were splitting.

SQ wanted to walk over the shaky bridge to go home. It’s a very old suspension bridge over River Ness. But pissed as we were we were sensible enough to realise that if we made it to the shaky bridge we would probably be stuck in the middle trying to do one moon step forward for every two slow motion suspended mid air non gravitational* moon steps back until we sobered up in the morning. A taxi was needed. I forgot you have to walk to taxi ranks at home and the taxi rank was as far in the other direction as it was home. And try as we might no-one would stop on the street for us.

Anyway, when we finally got there the queue wasn’t too bad but just our luck, of course we got the mad-axe-murderer looking taxi driver to take us home. And now he knows where my mother lives. Scary.

* non gravitational – wicked I didn’t even know that this was a word but it hasn’t come up in my spell check so cool. Posted by Picasa


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