Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, December 11, 2006

End of the evening........

Name that tune!

Not quite sure which of the below concerns me most about this picture.

1/ I look 8 1/2 months pregnant.
2/ My arm looks the same size as my thigh.
3/ If I stuck my tongue out I could probably touch my nose.
4/ Full on public grope.

Vicki is the only girl I know that can grab my boobs in a nightclub and get away with it without bruises.

She is also one of the only girls I will pee and fart in front of.

Well I have probably slept beside her more times than I have most boyfriends. Albeit comatosed, we were once inseparable pals.

Big sigh. We have shared more tears and laughter than most and I miss her terribly. Sniff.

However, after this reminder of the good old times nights oot, its probably best that she now lives back in Aberdeen. Posted by Picasa


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