Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, December 11, 2006

Time to go home....

Wednesday 25th October

Last day. Didn’t get up in time for tour with the Tour Queen so V and I intended to sunbath for our holiday panic tan. Went down to pool, clarted on the coconut oil, ordered our cocktails and sod’s law it started thunder and lightening and we all had to run inside.

We checked out and wandered around the hotel and lounged in lobby watching the rain and checked out all the horny 60 year olds, just in case…..

So bored I paid a fortune for a Swedish massage. It was very nice but my shoulder was so sore I couldn’t concentrate on anything else. Bummer, I will have to go and see about that when I get back.

Christine had cheerily suggested it may be arthritis at my age. Thanks for that Christine, I will rest easy at nights now. Well I guess arthritis is better than osteoporosis. Not as good as a pulled muscle or RSI with too much yoga but better than the big O. Always the optimist.

SQ got back just in time for our bus to the airport. Shame, would have been funnier if she missed it.

Good wee holiday but it definitely wasn’t the same without our Yves. Poor pet, next time huney check and double check if you need a visa! Bloody Indians. Always causing trouble. And I mean the tube at the airport, not my beautiful brown mafia friend.

Just as well she is a good friend as we had to prat about at the airport for an hour to find her case before we left.

But hey ho, then we got upgraded. Well the Vamp and I did. SQ didn’t.

I believe in the universal law of ten fold. SQ, you should never have told me about that ghost in the bedroom in London……

So we spent the next four and a half hours eating and drinking in business class. There is so much leg room that V and I couldn’t reach the touch TV screens in front of us without getting out of our seats.

So I mastered the art of touch TV with my big toe by the end of the flight no probs.

I luv my life, I am always learning new and useful skills. Posted by Picasa


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