Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, December 11, 2006


We ordered a private bus to take us there. Silly us thinking it would just be the three of us and take us straight there.

When we got on there was a couple with a baby who didn’t speak. The couple I mean not the baby.

One hour later after driving round the whole of Limassol lost trying to find our next passengers, we finally set off.

Our new passengers filled the mini bus to capacity and looked like models who had just walked off a shoot for Loreal. They were in fact school girls just finished school and going home to Paphos.

Of course they had to be dropped off first when we got there so we didn’t actually reach our destination until about 3pm.

Oh well we were there safely and cheaply and it was buzzing. We had a fab day. Much more vibrant than Limassol. More castles to visit, more food, more tac to buy and more photos to take.

We went to see the Paphos Mediaeval Fort, the House of Aion, Mosaic Floor, House of Dionysos, House of Apollo and Odeon.

Yep, we earned our tourist badges today. We even got to eat scrummy ice cream sitting on the wall in the harbour watching the world go by.

Quality day. Posted by Picasa


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