Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Cocktails at Carters

Sunday 3rd

Still full of cold but managed to get out of my bed. Shoulder killing me as lying in bed for 2 days. Haven’t done my physio exercises since girls arrived so no-one to blame but myself.

Went to Lamcys shopping as couldn’t face the traffic going anywhere else. Got a few bargains which actually put smiles on our faces. Girls are so easy, spend a bit of money on something new and all the world is a better place.

I even bought my dress for the races next March, which in typical girlie fashion is one size too small and I have to diet to get into it.

This is what they call diet incentive.

Actually, I think this only works with a wedding dress really so don’t hold your breath to see me in it.

We went to Carters for dinner at night (diet starts next week). I like it there but gutted the band wasn’t on. Forgot it was the crap DJ for ladies night. Oh well, food was great as usual.
The half price cocktails were even better.
Then we braved the wind and rain on the rooftop and went to Sevilles for a swiftie before going to meet Vicki (Armitage), her cousin Jamie and Andy.

They said they were DEFINITELY not coming out so we had to go over to Andy’s for a wee dram to say goodbye.

They were changed and in our taxi on way to RBs within 30 mins.


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