Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, December 11, 2006

Where is my rugby ticket angel....?

Saturday 4th Nov

Finally got six tickets for rugby for Friday. Yahoo. Thanks for the Hallmark tip Bex.

Now just have to get Saturdays and I am off the hook.

Sunday 5th Nov

I had a phone call with a client I was chasing stock from and he said the most bizarre thing to me.

He said “if I wasn’t born I wouldn’t have to hear this right now”!!

Guess that’s one way to look at life. Hope it works for him.

Went to the osteopath today. Seems I have tendonitis. i.e. swollen tendons. Three in fact. Got lots of exercises to do to hopefully make it better. I was poked and prodded by the doc. At one point I was truly convinced his thumb was going to push through from my back shoulder blade and pop out through my breast bone.


But he made up for the pain at the end with the best ten minute massage I have ever had. He is not my cup of tea, but I just closed my eyes and thought of…… sigh....

The man most definitely knows what to do with his hands.

Spent three hours trying to get rugby tickets. Went to every MMI and Virgin store in Dubai today.

Panic is starting to set in.... where is my rugby ticket angel?


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