Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Oh My God.....


And HE certainly is. Some people have it, some don't. HE most definitely has it.

Robbie Williams Rocked. HE truly is God's Ultimate Gift to Women. HE is a legend and pure sex on legs with a presence as large as the crowd who went to see him.

Being a shy girl from the North of bonny Scotland and having lived a very sheltered life, I have never attended a gig bigger than single thousand figures, and that was either in the Country Club or Aviation Club here in Dubai. The Rugby 7's is the nearest in comparison to capacity and Sting the nearest experience to horny hormones exploding all around me.

Robbie can rock me, and I'm sure all the other thousands of horny girls (and some boys) anytime, anywhere, anyhow. I am sure there was not one female there that would not have done absolutely ANYTHING that He wanted that night. At least twice.

A male friend asked me exactly what it was about Him that made grown women behave like teenagers and teenagers wish they knew how to do the things their bodies were craving for.

Well if you don't know what it is He has after watching Him on Friday, you obviously don't have it and will just never get it.

Straight in, straight thru, had to wait a wee while to get served but then cosy dark spot for a few drinks in our gang circle then straight to the front, only had to hang around for about 30 mins til He came, then 2 hours of magical entertainment which was every minute as good as I expected and then steadily straight out at end. Hung around for a bit after and ate and drank more and then straight home. What more could a girl ask for? To be describing a night with Robbie instead of the entrance exit to the gig maybe.....? Sigh...

My only complaint is, what the hell was with the dirty old man long coat and scarf??? Gutted we didn't see more of Him than the quick peak of the new swallows on His tummy and a few sexy bum flashes.

And a wee word to all the prats who had something to moan about and, as expected, wrote to 7Days to do it, get a life. You are all sad and need to get laid more. See blog dated 17th April, you need to do at least 3 of those things every day for the next year to become even half whole and justify your existence.

So before the event of the year, on Thursday night I went to the Dusit for the Thai buffet at the pool deck with some mates. Excellent food and excellent company. It was supposed to be a quiet one to save ourselves for the next day but hey ho, you all know me, there's no going back after a couple. So onto Waxy's to pcik up the dregs and then to RBs for one (or several) for the road home. Well its just round the corner now and would be rude not to pop in on way home.

Usual suspects present to ensure the usual antics and usual end to the usual Thursday night evening. Brill.

Yesterday spent a lovely day on the 5 pence beach dreaming of Robbie.....then at night went to the movies to see Ice Age 2. Fab! Loved the first one and this is just as good. Best cackles out loud I have had for ages.

What I learned this weekend....
1/ Robbie Williams is truly the sexiest man alive....nothing else matters to me right now. Big Sigh..

P.S. Mum, my 2004 Robbie calendar is back on my wall. Can I please have one in this years Xmas stocking again! Any every year from now on. Thanks Santa. x


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