Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, December 11, 2006


Thursday 9th November – HAPPY 60th BIRTHDAY MAMMY!

Sorry I didn't have time to write my wee ode, will try and do one soon!

I had to go out and celebrate of course and have a wee cheers to my mam.

Viks not going out so off out with Becki and Vamp to Stephan’s birthday night oot at Blush. Had a few small ones here in Nikki Tams then off to Blush. Not really my kinda place but did my duty and sang happy birthday to Steph then headed for the Loft with Becki.

It was shit too so left Becki there and went to RBs alone to meet Josh. Couldn’t find him so had a drink, a dance and went home.

Don’t actually remember that bit, just assuming from info put together from texts and times of phone calls. :O)

Friday 10th

I was supposed to go to brunch with Vik & Co. Needless to say after last night I didn’t make it.

Cross with myself but hey ho, had a good night. Sorry I missed the day out though, the demon drink, I will never learn.

Sunday 12th November

Vicki left tonight. Boo hoo. I really miss her. And I don’t miss many people. If you are on my miss list, you are very special to me.

Thursday 16th

Thank God! My rugby ticket angel answered my prayers! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Got a number off for a guy selling season tickets. Sounded a bit dodgy and he wanted to meet me in Mall of the Emirates. Took Becki as a witness to anything that might need to be witnessed.

He called and said he would be an hour late so started to think it was a wind up. But an hour later he arrived and told me to meet him at the car park for Carrefour main entrance. Got there but drew the line when he then said meet him at row F!

Expected a big fat sleazy arab out to make lots of money to turn up. Turned out to be two teenagers who didn’t even want any extra. Cool. What a relief. I actually had season tickets in my hand. I had been feeling physically ill for last two weeks not being able to get any.

God I hope they are not forged.

Went to Loft again at night with Becki and Vamp. Pretty crap so left and went to RBs. Yawn.


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