Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, December 11, 2006

Hangover Tradition

Sunday 22nd

Shit. Cyprus hangovers are even worse than Dubai hangovers. I made the personal acquaintance of each and every ant on the bathroom floor whilst I called for Huey several times that day. Cheap Cyprus vodka and Nikki do not mix.

Well anyway it’s actually a tradition now. Every time my mum comes here or I go there I always lose at least one day of my life due to the demon drink. Why should Cyprus be any different.

It must be psychological. She’d be worried now if I didn’t get at least one bad hangover.

So I got it out of the way at the beginning just to keep her happy. I am such a good daughter really.

So the V took mam to the pool and wait for it…….SQ went on another tour……. Woo hoo. The Queen of Cyprus Tours.

There will be a tomb made outta boulders for her somewhere on this island when she dies for sure. Not sure where she toured today, she has talked about so many boulders and rocks the last two days its all crumbled into one big boring boulder…...

Think it had something to do with donkeys this time.

I was still in bed by the time they came up from pool and there was no way I was moving to go out and drink tonight!

So Mam went back to her hotel and I was left with that “fuck sake, not again” feeling in the pit of your stomach that only mothers can make you feel.

SQ came back giddy with the local vodka shots and ranting about donkeys. Yeah right, let’s see how cheery she is tomorrow morning after more vodka….. hee hee.

I rolled over and went back to sleep. The next thing I knew it was 4am and I woke up to hear SQ giggling down the corridor.

It took them a few minutes to get in the door “quietly” and the surprise on their faces when they saw they woke me up was actually genuine.

I heard about 3 stories of the evening at least 10 times each then rolled over and went back to sleep, cheerful in the knowledge that I will feel better tomorrow and they will feel like shit.


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