Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, December 31, 2006

What no jamming?

MO – the dancing King – met us there and we boogied til the lights came on.

Then everyone piled back to Nikki Tams. But no jam session this time. They actually made me have a conversation round the table.

I am sure no life changing decisions were made but I’m screwed if there was coz I don’t remember.

Her cousin was cute, and had the same taste in music and cheesy bread too. Shame he was only 26.

Last year’s New Years resolutions still stand. No boys younger than 35 or older than 45. No taking advantage of the nice boys. No putting up with shit from the players.

He fell under all three of above.

Mmmm, guess that’s why I haven’t woke up with a smile since last March.

Only 3 weeks left until new New Years Resolution time… Rock on. Last year of my 30’s next year and I promise I will be going out with a very big bang!

Will rethink my New Year’s resolutions very, very carefully this year.

Finally got to bed just as sun coming up at 5am. Viks going back to Uk tomorrow.

Am invited to her wedding next September.



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