Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

Fri 30th June - Home again.

Vicki got the plane to Paris. Nice one.

I got the train from Inverurie to Forres. Mmm not quite the same ring to it but hey I was going to see more family I havn't seen for years.

Auntie Fiona & Uncle Ronnie, cousin Kirsteen and bairns Jack and Jamie. It was great to see them again. Especially my Uncle Ronnie who had to have a heart attack to avoid going on holiday just so he could stay at home to see me when I came over.

We went to Brodie for a lovely country-style lunch. Home made soup and scones. Scrummy. I must have put on at least a stone by now. We caught up on all the family gossip and life in general. It was great to see them all again.

Then home to Inverness at night on train. I like trains. I don’t like buses. Staying home with mam for a week.

Yahoo, the same bed every night for a week. Can’t wait.


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