Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

Family reunion

We had a lovely meal with Ruth and then the family started coming round for the reunion.

I haven’t seen my Auntie Jennifer and Uncle Billy for 10 years but my cousin Amy has been to Dubai before. Met her new fiancé, Jason too. Plus Ruth’s daughter Kay and her daughter Sarah came round. Lovely evening drinking wine in the conservatory and it was still bright til bedtime! Can't get used to this daylight thing til 11pm.

by the way, did you know that some new cars have headlights that go round corners? Seriously, they had a car and the headlights turn corners as you turn the steering wheel. Freaky.

I was sleeping in the wee spare room and the girls were in a double room next door. Bliss, peace and quiet.

Yvie and I hid SQs rubber Nessy and then went to bed. But she was bordering on hysterics and crying herself to sleep without it so Yvie caved and gave it back to her. Wimp.

I had to send the children a text to shut up in case they woke up the Ruth. I promptly got one back saying I was just jealous coz I was all alone.

Yeah right. Snore....


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