Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

Tues 27th June - Off to Edinburgh

Girls said goodbye to me ma and off we set on the next part of our adventure.

I like trains. I don’t like buses.

We spent the entire journey playing cards. SQ said she wouldn’t stop until she bet us. By the end of the journey I was still up 11 games to 8. I am going to have to let her win next time to shut her up.

We only managed an hour in Edinburgh before we had to catch the bus to Penicuik to stay with Ruth. Of course we waited on the wrong side of Princess street for the bus and then had to do a maniac dash across the street with suitcases in tow to catch it on the other side going the other way.

I won’t say whose fault that was but her initials are SQ.


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