Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

Thurs 29th June - Aberdeen now!

Off up to Aberdeen to see my pal Vicki’s first home. Bless. We were best buddies for 2 years when she lived here a few years ago and I still miss her. And I don’t miss many people.

I was supposed to stay for a wild weekend for her birthday but her new boyfriend decided to whisk her off to Paris for a few days and I got kicked out on Friday morning! How f’ing selfish is he? What kind of boy decides to take his girlfriend to boring old Paris for her birthday when she is supposed to take her mate out on the pull/piss in the local pub in Ellon?? I tell ya, the boys at home just get worse and worse. Humph.

Mind you, back in my day, the boys in Inverness didn’t even know where Ellon was never mind Paris…..

So we stayed in and had Chinese take away and caught up on the last few years and sorted the world out. Oh happy days. Posted by Picasa


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