Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

Mon 26th June - shopping and ice cream

I was dying.

The brown mafia were dying.

But but they put on a brave face for my mum. Sooks.

My mum has seen my hangover face many times before so I didn’t have to try. We were supposed to be going shopping and I was last to drag my ass out of bed to get ready.

Billy Kitchens came round to say hi. Best looking boy in Dores and very funny - for an Invernesian but don’t tell him I said that. SQ and Billy were comparing notes on Goa. SQ for some reason decided that Invernesians were backwards. Billy pointed out that a girl who whooped with delight at the sight of cows and sheep in the fields on the way into Inverness shouldn’t really be judging us Invernesians.

Then he gave us a lift to town. I nearly threw up in his car but don’t tell him I said that either. Got to TK Max and I had to sit outside in the fresh air and miss the bargains. I needed something with magic powers to eat to ease the pain so off to MacDonalds for artificial ice cream. Fab, it worked. It usually does. Ready to shop til we drop now.

Who would have believed I could spend more money in Inverness than London. Bargains everywhere and polite and helpful staff in every shop with no queues.

I kept having to pinch myself to check I was in the same town I left 4 years ago.


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