Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 24, 2006

Wed 19th July

Woo hoo! Finally, pen to paper which sounds much better than fingers to the board.

So the post holiday blues have been, gone and come back again. When I came back it felt like I had been away forever. One week later it feels like a year ago since I was away. Probably because I have been working 12 hour days ever since the plane landed back in the oven. Mind you, UK is just as bad, at least we have AC here.

The worst-jet-lag-anyone-in-the-whole-wide-world-has-ever-suffered didn’t help of course. I will never take a night flight again. I don’t sleep on planes. I know I don't sleep on planes. Never have and doesn’t look like I ever will. So why did I take a night flight? SQ booked one so it’s her fault. Well I had to blame someone at 3am every morning since I’ve been back. Although I have had the blissful pleasure of being back in my own monster bed and waking up in the same place every morning again.

So onto holiday stuff! And there’s even pictures too! I am getting the hand of this blogging stuff. Right back to the beginning when I left on 15th June. Its gonna be that time warp thing again but you’ll catch up eventually. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I will begin.....


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