Nix in Dubai 2006

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Not over the hill quite yet...

People often ask me why I have stayed here for so long. Well its simply because life is never dull. There are always new people to meet, new places to go and new things to do. There is just always something to look forward to. As you will see by my last week.

But firstly in response to the young whiper snapper who wrote to 7days and complained that there should be an age limit ban for "oldies" over 40, I wholeheartedly agree, bring it on! A club for over 30's would be FANTASTIC! It would certainly stop all the children who are not even old enough to shave yet, never mind hold their beer, from thinking they had any remote possibility of getting a date with us older but truly fabulous women of the world.

Makes me smile that they still try, makes me laugh that they are confident enough to think they would be able to keep up! And I'm not talking about the dance floor.

Which I might add is usually children free by the end of the night as its only the old skool kids that have any stamina...

So back to my wonderful life. Last Wednesday (seems like so long ago now) we went to see the musical Chicago. It was absolutely fabulous. And not just because I got freebie VIP tickets and didn't have to sit in a tin bucket, it truly was the second best show I have ever seen. (First being Lord of the Dance). We all loved it, everyone there loved it. An Iraqi couple sat beside us, in full national dress, and after the initial shock of seeing half naked women and men on the stage and wondering how they got away with it (maybe I have been here too long!) I dared to look right, waiting for them to walk out. But you know what, we all had a great time! They loved it too. Mr Selophane, oh Mr Selphone.... dah dah dah and all that jazz!!

Thursday was an interesting day. I was interviewing for the sales exec position in my office and met a very bizzare lady who said she was a pranic healer. And did you know that I am a psychic healer. Actually I knew that already. Obviously. She went into some sort of transe half way thru the interview and told me to close my eyes until she healed by stress by an energy scraping my back! Strangely enough I did feel better when she left but don't know if that's because she did send me masses of new energy or just because laughing so hard released so many endorphins in my body that I was as high as a kite for the rest of the afternoon...... Needless to say she did not get the job.

Then I went to a meeting in Deira and my car broke down - again. Power steering went. Scary. Had to ditch car and Yvie came and got me and we went shopping in M&S and spent a months salary to make me feel better. Then went back to Yvie and SQs for dinner but took an alergy to the dog and my eyes swelled up like melons and I had to leave.

Was so traumatised by the day by the time I got home I stayed in and watched a movie!

Friday was good, NO hangover - yahooo! Caught up on stuff and was supposed to stay in and have alcohol free weekend but got a serious dose of house fever by 8pm and went out with SQ to RBs. Josh was doing karaoke and we had a blast! It was very funny we had a good night, so good we will probably go back for more soon.

Saturday was good too, ladies beach then cooked up a feast at night. Yum yum. The yoga would work much faster if I could just stop eating!

On Sunday unexpectedly ended up at Boston for roast beef dinner with SQ. Very nice!

Monday went to yoga and met the son of two clairvoyants! Spooky. Being a psychic healer now I should have known I would meet him, mmmm, I must practice harder.

A WARNING for anyone I know considering botox! I went to Lamcy last night to Paris Gallery to buy girlie stuff and there is a girl there who is an advert for every reason under the sun not to do botox. Her top lip is so huge that she looked like a monkey. When she smiled at me only her bottom lip smiled and her eyes and forehead didn't move a muscle. It was very scary and quite sad. Don't take your kids, they will have nightmares. Bless her. Hope she gets her money back.

Getting my hair cut tonight and then girls at mine for pre drinks then out on town to look for mischief. Will probably meet up with boys, its Danny's 40th today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANNY BOY. Monster party to celebrate at Waxys tomorrow. You have been warned.

Bless, if the children of Dubai have their way then he is now too old to go to clubs! Little do they know that he will be on the dance floor longer than all of them. And still going strong after the clubs have closed till the sun comes up. Party at Danny's!!

What I learned last week....

1/ I have a year and half to go before I am considered too old to get into Dubai clubs.
2/ I am a psychic healer. Be afraid, be very afraid.
3/ There ARE comfy shoes made in the world. In M&S. I may look like a granny at least my feet don't hurt anymore.
4/ I am still very allergic to dogs.
5/ I officially admit to loving karaoke! Well when my favourite eye candy in RBs does it anyway.
6/ I am never getting botox done no matter how wrinkly I get.

Remember, twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did! That's my excuse in advance for this weekends behaviour anyway!

Life is for laughing, loving and living.



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