Nix in Dubai 2006

Thursday, June 08, 2006

8TH JUNE 2006....

It really is today this time, honestly.

Well at least I catch up with the gen, I know some people who haven't blogged since the ship wreck at Sharjah on 10th April! :o)


Last Thursday was the greatly anticipated first Cheese Night in over a year. For all those at home a cheese night is parmasan pop! ie 70's, 80's and anything cheesy! I was supposed to be getting a cheesy oscar for being a top spreader of cheese! But the oscars were not engraved on time. Just as well, there was no f*&^%$ way I was going to make a speech in front of the monster crowd there! I am crap at speeches anyway, couldn't thank my mam and dad for being cheesy, that's my choice, and never cry so not much else to do except what Nikki does best and I wrote an Ode to the DJ Tim Cheddar. May read it out next time, if its a normal night!

Missed out on George's leaving karaoke at Dave's house because though I had to get the cheese oscar - shame. What a decision. Speech or sing. Mmmm. My life is never dull.

Anyway, I had a wee addition to the house today which had to be christened before we went to the Cheese night. Yep, Nikki Tam's is officially open. Courtesy of George and Tracey who are leaving and going back to the UK, I now have my first bar. May Gawd bless all who drink in her. Please note the only possible problem is that you have to get your own beer/vodka/whiskey scooter home from karama afterwards. The management takes no responsibility in assuring the return home journey of any visitors. And you will be kicked out after breakfast whether your taxi has arrived or not.

So girls came round for a wee celebratory opening drink and then off to the Malecon for cheese. (we have photos if Becki will only send them to me!). We didn't dress up as school girls this time as we were just too sexy and didn't want to scare the children. Just as well. It was rammed! It took me 30 mins to get served and it was soooo busy you couldn't even get a boogie. Very disappointed, we were so looking forward to a cheesy laugh, but didn't plan on no drinks coz couldn't get served, no dancing coz couldn't move and no talent coz too rammed to see anyone! Well except a few cuties in shorts, caps and school ties, the only problem was they still fitted so probably only stopped wearing them last year....and that was just the girls.... nah, joke, behave children, I managed to squish that rumour last year, let's not go there again!

Too hot to care what cuties were there anyway so we gave up after queueing for our second drink and taking 40 MINUTES at the bar (seriously!) and went to Double Decker. Sorry Tim but if you want us back you need a bigger venue for us oldies who like the taste of alcohol on a Thursday and want to strut our stuff on the dance floor with some breathing space.

So then it was back to Nikki Tam's where the booze is free and flowing and the dancefloor is empty and the music is whatever you choose, and how cheesy you want it!

Cooked brekkie again and chucked all out at 6am. Its someone elses turn to entertain and cook tonight, I mean this morning! I am having a night off. Yeah right, I can hear you all laughing from here....

The Vampire, SQ and I went to Barzar for V's friends birthday. It was a change, but won't rush back on a Friday. Not very busy. Home by midnight to eat the left over Sin Punjab I had ordered earlier. No wonder I am not losing any weight, there must be a million calories in it. Oh well, you have to have a little of what you like now and again or life is not worth living.

I went just to check (!) and yep, NO ladies day. Totally pissed off. Went home in the huff and cooked lots of crap to do me the week and then slobbed again. Well, did some work, but not much. I need to find a movies partner. I want to start going to the movies on Saturday nights. Any takers?

This week at work has been manic again. Very glad its Thursday. No plans for tonight yet, will see who is doing what later. Tomorrow going to the ballet and looking forward to that.

ONE WEEK TO GO!!! Can't tell you what for coz its a surprise, but nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, ONLY ONE WEEK TO GO!!! Those who know hee hee, those who don't wait and see!

What did I learn this week?

1/ Just when you think you can't get any busier, yep, you get busier.
2/ Apparently I look like a rock chick this week. Plus two separate people have told me I look like I just got off a motor bike! Nice. The humidity is not helping but I am truly desperate for a hair cut! Gill!!!! Please hurry back. I will be getting the straighteners out tonight for sure.
3/ If you want real cheese, you have to make it happen yourself at home! Home made is always best anyway....
4/ I have no friends who like going to the beach.
5/ I have no friends who like going to the movies.
6/ I need to make more new friends.
7/ I have a secret, ONE WEEK TO GO.....!!

If you can't be good this weekend, be bad and enjoy it.



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