Nix in Dubai 2006

Thursday, June 08, 2006

1ST JUNE 2006.....

Wicked week! Non stop! But Inner feng shui very balanced. Worked so hard that of course I had to party just as hard to keep my inner balance. Well hey, it works for me.

Went straight from work to a BNI network evening at Hilton. Nice evening. All the members are cool (well, most of them) but a bit BNI'd out this week now. It's like having two jobs! Seriously. And as I'm already doing two jobs (still no sales exec) effectively this wee supergirl is juggling three jobs at moment. I need to party harder (possible?).

Then met up with girls at Boston. Haven't been there a while. Usual fun and frolicks and usual crap and carry ons too. Met a few oldies haven't seen a while and got chatted up by yet another 20-something. Sigh.

Anyway, a few jamp on our band wagon and came for final one-for-road-on-way-home to Rock Bottoms. I have always said it was appropriately named.

Surprise surprise met up with our neighbours again. I think they are starting to secretly wait there for us coz they know I have a free bar after hours! Anyway they were right.

Everyone piled back to mine but when we got to my building World War III had errupted from my other neighbours house! It was chaos. And wait for it, it was the girls fighting. We went ahead with our wee shindig but spent the next few hours answering the door bell to various drinken people wanting to join our party. Entry was strictly invitation only so we continued and ignored them. My building is quite exciting, two police 4-wheels, ambulance and various onlookers provided a good show in between dancing and drinking!

Full cooked breakfast was served at 6am before I kicked out the last neighbour. Good night had by all. The Al Manzel percussion band is improving, but if anyone is going to Sri Lanka soon we need more shakers please!

Died a slow death on Friday and had a duvet day watching the 24. finished up to episode 12 and don't have any more so if ANYONE OUT THERE has the rest of the series PLEASE let me borrow it!

Went to beach on Saturday, last ladies day at Jumeirah Beach Park. Gutted. Been going there every Sat since I came back in 2000. Will miss it a lot. Now if i want to go to beach on a Saturday I either have to: find someone to go with, find a spot where I won't get harrassed by jerking off workers, put up with being oggled at by Russians in speedos (they love big bums), hold my tummy in beside tall slim Emirates girls or pay 100 Dhs for a spot of sand. Any ideas??

Sunday back to the grindstone and had my first Caledonian Society Committee meeting at night time in Double Deckers. Couldn't really hear what each other was saying as the music was so loud and there were only about 20 people in there. Anyway, nodded a lot and luckily came away with only a few duties. One of which is to help build up numbers again so be prepared to part with the grand sum of 50 Dhs to join before the next Caley Ball in November.

So what did I learn this week.....

Get real. Its not really the 1st June its the 8th and whatever I learned the week from 25th May to 1st June part of my life now and old news.

And so to next week, I mean this week. Mmm whatever, read the next blog.



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