Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Things I’d forgotten about dogs…

Guarding the house is the top job. Howling like banshees to scare away anyone who dares to walk past the gate or God forbid knocks on the door is a full time 24 hour profession.
All thru the night wake up calls to be let out to pee/investigate noises/explore/just get you up.
Early morning dog breath, cold noses and wet kisses.
Sharing your bed with a small very warm dead weight.
Dog farts
Dog pooh
Pooper scoopers (ie inside out carrier bags)
Pooper scooper bins in parks
The havoc the mention of the word “walk” causes
How much fun an empty crisp packet is
When 2 box full of toys are available and the favourite one is the dirtiest, smelliest, oldest, most minging one.
White dog hair on black trousers
Black dog hair on white trousers
Big bang panic attacks
How much fun it is to steal dirty underwear (lost one bra strap and one sock, haven't counted knickers yet)
Suitcases are great new day time beds
Blue bottles and wasps are the best things in the world to chase

More stuff I’d forgotten about the UK…

Big Brother. I never have and never will understand the obsession with this. I just don’t get it and don’t want to.
How cold the water is straight from the tap in the morning.
How delicious the water tastes straight from the tap in the morning.
Everyone has fresh flowers in the house.
Trendy haircuts and styles. (humidity just does not allow trendy hair cuts in Dubai)
Boy racers. Clapped out cars painted with go faster stripes and giant wheels driven by 12 year olds.
Wind and rain. How sore it is!


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