Nix in Dubai 2006

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Fri 28th July - Great cook, baaad baker.

Surprise, surprise, hangover not a killer but sod’s law, no sunshine so can’t go to beach.

So I attempted to make Millionaires Shortbread for Yvie’s birthday. Once I had the biscuit mixture in the oven I started to make the caramel filling. It said to boil for 7 mins. Yeah right. As soon as it started bubbling the goo started sticking to the bottom of the pan and next thing the mixture was full of black bits. Fortunately I had enough ingredients to make another batch but decided to have a cup of tea first.

Shit, what is that smell? Within seconds of setting of the fire alarm going off I rescued the biscuit mixture which was now burnt too. 30 minutes my ass, more like 12!

So a kitchen sink full of dishes, no shortbread and not enough ingredients to make more.

Sorry Yvie, guess I will have to buy you a cake.

Had house fever staying in all day with no company. I don’t mind when I am dying with a hangover but hate it when I’m full of beans and no more episodes of 24 to watch. But tried as we might to be good and stay in, by 9pm between SQ, Danny and I we had persuaded each other to go out.

And glad we did too. We had a wicked time. Hey this life time line thing really works! Or maybe it’s the attracting love meditation. Whichever, something was different. I stood in the same place, probably wearing the same clothes, drinking the same drink with the same people, well apart from our boy Josh, it was Don Plenty tonight. Funny how you have an image of someone you hear on the radio and they never look like that do they. Anyway whatever vibes I was giving out worked.

Bitch in heat would have been a good description. Danny left and SQ and I were the centre of attention.

Or maybe its just because I was sober enough to notice this week. Or maybe the boys were just more pissed that usual.

Whatever, the key word was fun. And we had lots of it.

Then the long island iced teas kicked in and it was time to go home. And for once managed to avoid all burger places and the cheesy bread bakery on way home.

Woo hoo. No green tongue and no crap food. Result.


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