Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

Wed 26th July - blog, blog, blog, bloody blog.....!!

Blog, blog, blog, blog. Finally starting to catch up with my life. Spent the whole evening typing. On page 27 in word. Now I just have to download it all (or is it upload?).

Went to pick up my stuff from tailors today. Most of the stuff I bought at home didn’t fit properly in one area or another. That’s what happens when you are 5 foot tall with an arse my size. I love my tailor, he usually does a great job.

Who oh why then did he hem two dresses by 3 inches when I wanted one of them to get new buttons and one to be taken in at the waist? Back up to the sewing machine to sew the cut offs back on again. Seriously. And luckily for him it actually looks ok. At this time of the month he is very lucky indeed.

So if you see me at the office and notice the pattern going the other way at the bottom of my dress, don’t ask coz you now know why.


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