Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

Mon 24th & Tues 25th July - life still rocks.

Updated blog all evening then watched my new favourite programme – Super Nanny! Strange for someone who has no kids, but she rocks. Some of these families are unbelievable. But Super Nanny sorts them out and they become angels in two weeks.

But for God sake, why is no-one teaching this woman how to pronounce ACCEPTABLE?? She has been on air long enough now for someone somewhere to tell her! And of course she says it about 20 times during the programme. Oh well, it’s always the small things.

Tuesday 25th July

Shit day, good night. I can handle that. Work sucked today. Getting tired of juggling too many balls and starting to drop them.

But strangely enough my life still rocks! Work is NOT my life.

Had a lovely evening with Nat. We went to Left Bank and got the crack with Paul, who makes the best fish cakes in the world, stuffed chicken and puddings– ever. Working my way through the menu. Will keep you updated.

Starting to make plans for our two charity events coming up. It will be great fun. You will be getting an e-mail soon (well if you live in Dubai!).


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