Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Last day.

Tuesday 5th December

Up and at em today. Last day.

So shopping at Mall of the Emirates and of course I bought more than they did coz I have been saving all year for this holiday and I have so much money its burning a hole in my pocket. Not.

Was supposed to cook but so late back from shopping just ordered crap Wanton and got ready as fast as 4 girls can in a 2 showers/1 hairdryer/straighteners apartment.

We went to Waxy’s for free Champaign and I thought it would be one step forward and three back on entry as usual.

It had the grand total of 3 punters and about 10 staff so ran after the same taxi that dropped us off and went to Sho Cho’s.

I have never liked it there and don’t think I ever will. It’s too smoky inside and too cold and posy outside. Everyone is too busy eyeing everyone else up to have a conversation and drinks are too expensive to get hammered so not the place for me.

Had a quick visit to Alamo for old times sake. Lloyd manager there now, but not quite the place to be unless you are male, 40 something, single with a beer belly and no chance of getting any anywhere else so you have to watch the pretty dancers and dream, or pay for it, instead.

Actually, if you scraped the make up off, put decent clothes on them instead of sequins and cloths just about covering where the sun don’t shine, they would probably be the best band in Dubai right now. They sure can sing. And act. It was the acting that was the problem.

Well for single girls anyway. You gotta go there to get it.

So back to our good old faithful RBs. Joshua (nee Josh but prefers Joshua now) was playing tonight so at least the music would be good.

We walked in to “Hope Joanna” and then when the Proclaimers came on and the place burst into “And I would walk 500 miles” I wanted to poke my eye out with a sharp stick.

Being the girls last night out I had to bribe our favourite DJ to play some good dance tunes. If not I was going to poke Joshua’s other eye out with a sharp stick and then he would have TWO black eyes to explain…….

The night was saved and we had a few freebie vodkas and a boogie or two.

Then home for a couple hours kip before the girls had to leave for the airport.


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