Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, May 01, 2006

Yum, yum.....

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. Still drooling. This is how close we were to Him. And this is not a zoom lens. Of course He was looking right at us for this photo. Sigh....

So what has been going on this weekend? Quite quiet for me really.

Thursday started slowly with an unexpected yoga session after work. Couldn't decide what to do, where to go or who to do it with so, being a creature of habit, went to the Vampires for pre going out drinks then the usual cold spots.

Although we did bravely venture into Jimmy Dix for a change (haven't been there since a laughter factory night about a year ago) and came quickly running back out again. There were more staff than punters! Apparently its been dead since the band left. We only went because we heard that the band had left! Met my neighbours there, haven't seen them since my last party. They have probably been avoiding me.

So ended up at RBs - again. Yawn. Usual crap but met loads of people I have not seen for a while so good crack. Ended up having a wee after party with neighbours. Last memory was dancing on the couch with a wooded tray and wooden spoon beating away on it like an Irish drum (can't spell the b word!) like I was a pro. Boys had Sri Lankan shakers and bongo drums and we thought we were it. I have a sneaking feeling that I should now be avoiding them for a long time. I might even have to move house again......

Head like a bear on Friday and didn't move all day. Have now watched the entire series four of 24. Brilliant. Just as good as all the others. If you have not watched it yet, get plenty supplies in, you will be stuck in for a while.

At ATM this week so will be very busy. If you are there gimme a call, I will be in need of lots of caffeine excuses.

What did I learn this weekend....
1/ I should not try my yoga head stands at home unless Mairead is there.
2/ The V is simply not capable of pouring normal measures at home, no matter how many times after 10 years you ask.
3/ You just never know who you are going to bump into on a night out.....
4/ Vodka, tequilla, khaloua, vegetable juice, milk and grapes do not make a good cocktail mix, especially if you want to be able to function as a human being the next day.

Keeping walking on the wild side......


PS - NO guys, I do not sit all day at work and type on my blog. I do most of it at home and then copy it over from my memory stick.
PPS - my boss is here this week, I have to say that. Posted by Picasa


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