Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

And its still Sunday....

This is a photo from yesterday.

Today is portrait day. Monday. Not Sunday, Monday. So that means that the photo that is in yesterday was taken today, Monday, as we didn’t have one of us all together on Sunday. Well Rue does but she hasn’t sent them yet….

Have you caught up yet?

Oh for goodness sake, ok let's pretend its still Sunday 18th.

By the way, I am wearing Rowena’s dress…. Never did manage to get out of the pub yesterday and back to the shops to buy one….

Everyone liked it anyway and Jim loved the dress. There was a moment in the garden when I was walking past one of the garden chairs the dress caught it and every button down the front popped opened. Full on 5 second flash. I couldn’t do it again if you paid me a million pounds. Fortunately I think Jim had just one over the legal limit by then and retinal reactions were slow and blurred. He then had to have several after too to recover from the shock.

So family, food, fun, drinks, dancing and dishes. And more dishes. And more. Great day had by all.

Definitely slept soundly that night, even through Fleur’s farts & SQ’s snores. Posted by Picasa


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