Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 24, 2006

Thurs 15th June

Finished work at 730pm.
Drive home - one hour.
Not packed. Case not even out of cupboard and full of thin clothes being saved for next month.
Not fed. Starving.
Not showered, shampood, shaved, plucked, waxed or fake tan evenly applied with care.
Is it possible for a girl to pack for a 3 week holiday and be ready in 2 hours?
Amazingly the answer is yes.
Taxi ordered for 1030pm.
Arrived at airport at 11pm.
Flight at 1am.
Minus only the fake tan and rainbow straps for my case. You know, the ones that everyone else has now too.
Met Yvette at the airport and off we set on the first chapter of our journey.
Surprisingly, I had even remembered my tickets.
Actually all you need is tickets, passport and money. Everything else can be replaced.

Cool, my first flight with company for good conversation, laughs and girlie bonding. Well its actually second flight with girlie company, but Vicki slept the whole way home. Yvie wouldn’t do that to me. Yvie, Yvie, YVIE!!! Shit, I guess the eye mask should have given it away that she was snoring before we even took off….

Ho hum, movies were ok and I had my MP3 player with fav tunes and medi sets so sorted for next 8 hours. It was going to take that long to switch off from manic week. I have something built in that does not allow me to sleep sitting up. It’s just not physically possible for me, no matter how tired, or how pissed, I am.

Shit it was a long night.

Lesson learned...

1/ Don't bother ever travelling with anyone you know again. You get much better conversation out of the stranger beside you in between his snores.


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