Nix in Dubai 2006

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Double take!

So, remembering my trip is a surprise for my Dad and he is expecting to pick up Yvie from the bus and not me, I was getting quite excited. Plus my sister was with him and I haven’t seen her for about 4 years.

He truly took a double take! It was very funny. Lots of oh my God’s, kisses, cuddles and more God’s. First time all our daughters have been in the country at the same time – ever.

We have to drive to Hopton. Another hour or so away and more sitting and moving. I just want to stay still now, lie down and sleep. But hey, Dad drives a new Jag which can go 120 miles per hour and feel like 50 mph so we were there in no time. The senior Wilson’s are back together so it was definitely an occasion to celebrate via the pub on way home. Met Rue, Ruth and SQ and Rue’s neighbours, wait for it, the Conservative Club! Kids still at school.

So much catching up to do, twice, in fact three times catching up to do now as my ol’ Dad is going a wee bit deaf. I SAID MY OL’ DAD IS GOING A WEE BIT DEAF. Bless. Just as well, it probably helped to be deaf for the next few days with a wife, four daughters and his step-mum all staying in the same house.

Then back to the house to meet the wee ones. Of course they are gorgeous. First time I’ve seen Lauren since she was toddling and haven’t seen Katrina since she was about 4. Maybe I should explain. Right, are you sitting comfortably? Then I will begin. Listen carefully and try to keep up…

Dad was married three times. I am the wee big sister from first wife.
Fleur is the big wee sister from second wife.
Then third time lucky (we all truly hope) he married Rowena. SQ’s sister. (Ah do you get it now!) So SQ really is my wicked step Aunt.
Rue had two wee uns Katrina (8) and Lauren (4) to complete the Wilson clan.
Ruth is my Dad’s step mum and I’ve only met her twice before a very long time ago.

In fact this is the first time all the family have been together in 10 years since my Dad’s 50th.

Few drinkies and a few hours later and I am fading fast. Sleeping arrangements were interesting but surprisingly possible. I was in Lauren’s room in the bunk beds with Fleur. Unfortunately they were side by side and not on top of each other. We were both very disappointed. Anyway, lots of giggles and farts later and finally sleep overcomes us. Poor wee uns, they were in with SQ on blow up bed. Thankfully kids can sleep through anything…..


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