Nix in Dubai 2006

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Still Sun 18th June....

Before I went home I knew I had to go to church for my wee sister’s communion. Fine. They didn’t know me there so there was a good chance they would let me in the door without too much hassle.

What I didn’t know was there were also 16 other wee girls and boys who were also having their first communion and I’m sure I could have read the entire bible in the time we were there. Plus for every beautiful wee angel on their first big “c” there were also 15 family members present who each also needed to receive communion or have a blessing.

I would have gone up honest. But I was waiting for SQ to go up with her. I’m still waiting.

But it was worth it our Katrina was truly beautiful. All the wee uns were dressed in white and looked angelic. Only God knew when that would all change.

Next time I’m in church it will probably be her wedding.

Then all back to the house for a hooley in the garden. Good fun had by all. Considering there were 5 women hosting it went very smoothly. No cat fights in the kitchen and no hen pecks in the garden. A wee rampant bull in the bedroom for a second when all the Dubaiins were showing off their shopping bargains to each other instead of paying attention to empty glasses and we were sent back downstairs to mingle with the guests. It was true, we do already see enough of each other in Dubai anyway. No tears and no tantrums. Fab! I knew the brown mafia could behave they set their minds to it. Posted by Picasa


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