Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, August 20, 2006

A bit of Irish always does the trick....

Saturday 12th

Went to dinner with Debs tonight to Irish Village. Haven’t been there for ages. Food still as great as ever. Had the carvery special and when the mountain of food came we didn’t think we would ever eat it all. Of course we did. Plus a few pints of cider to wash it down. This diet thing is just not happening.

There was football on, which I hate, but the cute boys made up for the noise coming from the TV screens.

Conversations with Debs are always interesting. And most are censored from my blog (I’ve promised in blood). But there was one question which I feel the need to share.

A male friend of hers asked her why after having all night sex with someone does a girl close the door when going to the loo. My answer to that is simple.

Bum burps and fanny farts.

There are many things I will do in front of a boy (with or without clothes on) but there is something about the above that worries us girls more than speaking in public naked.

Its that whole Mars and Venus thing. Boys think its funny and try and do it louder and longer than is natural just for laughs. Thankfully most girls don’t.

In my opinion some things are just meant to be done behind closed doors. But hey each to their own I say. Live and let live.

So if I ever leave the door open, it means we must be very very cosy indeed…!


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