Nix in Dubai 2006

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Online Friendship Auction..... GET BIDDING!

Our “Friendship Auction” was launched and sent to everyone and is now doing the e-mail rounds in Dubai.

Instructions available in powerpoint for anyone whose e-mail I don't have. Just ask.

Read the instructions attached carefully then log onto the below link:-

I am very disappointed with the number of pledges in so far! Come on you lot, one more week today to get your pledges in and show me the money!

But we do have a few and the highest so far is 250 Dhs! Woo hoo! And not telling who bid for who, its a SECRET pledge.

And NO-ONE has bid on me yet so I expect a lot of last minute sympathy bids please! (please!)

We have some wicked vouchers to give away. I will send an e-mail round today.

I still haven’t decided which gorgeous man I will bid on yet, too spoilt for choice. Although one of them is in the lead for laughs when he did a side splitting Houdini act in Waxy’s on Friday and left his boxer shorts under one of the tables upstairs……don’t ask, you had to be there.

And no I’m not telling who it was!

Did anyone else read the article in Emirates today at the beginning of the week saying that a guy went to jail for 3 months for pinching a girl’s bum in an elevator! How funny, that means that I could get at least 3 people every Friday night in RBs put to jail now.

Actually it used to really wind me up, now there is no point in getting cross it just spoils my night. And that is not an invitation for everyone to start pinching my bum! There is still a real danger of getting a slap.

Well apart from the one I want to pinch my bum of course. Now He Whose Name Shall Not Be Mentioned can pinch me any day. But He wouldn’t because He is a gentleman.

Shame I thought he would be in my auction and I could place the highest bid on him and win the date (the benefits of organizing it) but alas he didn’t take the bait.

Oh well, maybe he will bid on me….. sigh.

Stalking is obviously not working this time, I need to change my game plan. Any ideas?

And I am looking for a new flat mate so if you know anyone, who knows someone, who has a friend, give them my number.

What did I learn this weekend.....

1/ I have so many good looking friends, my other friends can't decide who to bid on, that must be why the bids are coming in so slowly.
2/ You can do things with boxer shorts that you would never imagine. In public.
3/ I don't have to get cross with the next guy that nips my bum, I just call the local bobbies.
4/ I am too shy to ask a boy on a date. Today anyway. Maybe next week after some more therapy..... :O) Gawd help him, its been a while..... :O)


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