Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Fantastic idea.....

Chilled all day and went to Cally’s for dinner at night out at her mum's at the Green Community. Wicked place. Rob, Kerry, Tony, Hend and Simon were there too. Cally made a veggie pie and Paul made Shepherds pie. Both scrummy. Then Cally also made Millionaires shortbread after reading my blog! It was to die for. And now I have the easiest recipe in the world so Yvie you will get to heaven again soon huney!

So next Saturday will be cards night with millionaires shortbread. Can't wait.

Saturday 5th

Got up at 930 am! Shock horror. And no hangover. Totally gutted my bedroom. Bought so many new clothes at home in sales had no space for everything.

Now have two black bags and a few carriers for charity shop. Someone else needs them more. It feels good having a good clear out. Out with the old and in with the new. Third life laundry in a month. I truly have nothing else to clear out now so there is plenty of space for new things/people to enter my life.

Bring them on.

Going to put together all the details for the On Line Friendship Auction now then go healthy food shopping. Back on the diet. Even threw out my Pringles crisps today. It nearly killed me but did it.

I gave myself one year after stopping smoking to lose the weight I put on. Well I’ve lost and put on and lost and put on again in the last year. But today I have only lost 4 kilos of the 14 I put on. But NO fags. I am so proud of myself.

So 10 kilos to lose before the 1st September?? Mmmm maybe not possible by diet alone. I need to exercise every day. I’d like to keep the boobs please, just loose the jelly belly and thunder thighs.

They say sex is the best exercise. Shame I can’t hire a nice man for the month. What a pleasure it would be to lose weight then.

Hey what a fantastic idea. A Gigolo that can cook. Hirable on a monthly contract. Interviewing would be interesting.

It’s that whole jail thing again in Dubai isn’t it. I guess I’d have to call him a “friend” too.

Okay, back to reality......


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