Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, September 03, 2006

RBs 10th Birthday Bash - Wed 30th

Mel, Bex, Me and Lou.

Here we all are getting hyped up at Nikki Tams before we all go to the RBs 10th Birthday bash.

In case you cant guess, it was a red and white theme.

Girls, giggles and gripes before a night out always sets us all up for a guaranteed good one.

The next thing I remember is Thursday morning, the orange bucket and no voice.

This was truly the mother of all hangovers - times 10.

I blamed the Champaign. The Moet wotsit that I won and thought was a good idea to open in the bar and give of to the nearest people seemed like a good idea at the time.

When I found out it was worth 2,500 Dhs I realized that the 8 vodkas, 2 bull frogs and B52 shot had a lot to answer for and I need to recognise at least one brand of expensive Champaigne.

I don’t particularly like Champaign but if I had actually been capable of thought I could definitely have come up with something a bit more romantic than giving it off to the strangers nearest to us.

Oh well, we think that each of the three girls that were left, Josh and possibly Terry got a glass. We think. The rest went to the boys stalking Mel (of course the only girl with a boyfriend in our group scores three boys).

Mel and Lou came back to mine for more shinanigans. Lou didn’t leave mine until 6am. I managed to cook sausages and chips but we didn’t manage to eat them. I must have been unconscious by the time they were ready.

I had to take a sickie for the first time since I started at Castaway. I would not have been capable of driving to work never mind functioning when I got there.

No voice. Actually it felt like no head. Or rather I wished I didn't have one.

But hell it was worth it, we had a wicked night! Posted by Picasa


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