Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Psychological Anniversary?

Sunday 27th

Finally Mel started today. My new shining sales star to help me get my life back. It’s been a very long, hard 3 months juggling two jobs myself but hey I’ve survived.

Unfortunately it seems my body has now finally given in. The sore throat is not from too much singing on Friday and is definitely some sort of debilitating lergy and getting worse. I feel like shit. Need lots of drugs and TLC. Its like my body has had a word with me and said right, I’ve held it together for 3 months working 10-12 hour days and hammering the party life at weekend and now my body is resisting and saying woooeee girlie, time for a wee compulsory rest.

Can’t rest tonight tho, it’s finally the last day for collecting the pledges for the online auction.

So back to Left Bank. Been so often there lately I am even getting a loyalty card! Ate lots again, well they do say feed a cold eh…. Drank lots of fruit juice for vit C and bless the bar staff they also made me some sort of concoction to help my poor throat. It also didn’t work but tasted good anyway.

I guess I just need to stop talking to make it better. Mmmm – tough one.

But worth it coz we raised 5,600 Dirhams! Woo hoo. How cool is that?

Not everyone turned up to pay but a few of the lovely people to participated in the auction did so it was great to meet them. Going to arrange a night out for all of us once this is over. It’s been hard work but excellent fun.

I didn’t sleep a wink though. My sleep angel was there but my sore throat kept him awake all night too. Bugger. And I was supposed to have my BNI meeting at 645am.

I tossed and turned all night and when I got up at 530am to get ready I took one look at my poor-pathetic-little-white-with-lack-of-sleep-wee-face and went straight back to bed.

Its funny, I don’t think I have been sick once since I stopped smoking and I have stopped for a year on 1st September.

Wonder if it’s a psychological anniversary to remind me of the bad old days?


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