Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, September 03, 2006

The orange bucket.

Friday 25th

I knew it was a wicked night last night as it’s the first time in a very long time I have woken up clutching my orange bucket in bed .

But I must have been still pissed as I thought I felt fine and got up at 11am to cook breakfast. Sausages, bacon, eggs, toast, beans and even oven chips! As soon as it was eaten went back to bed til 2pm.

When I then got up again and felt like shit. So back to bed and next thing I know Becki on way round as we were all supposed to be at the Irish Village Hop Fest by 6pm.

I was still in bed then. But at least the orange bucket was back under the sink by then.

Got up quickly and jump in the shower when she came over. Once ready we nearly persuaded each other not to go when she had the bright idea to have a wee shot to see if it killed or cured us.

Decision made. B52’s all round. We counted to three and downed them. I held on to the kitchen counter and waiting. Nothing happened. Wicked. We called a cab and off we went.

Everyone else there already. We had to queue to get in which was quite scary. About 100 people pushing and shoving and being the wee-est it wasn’t nice.

Couldn’t quite get my head round why we were all queuing to get in and out as there was no entrance charge. Scary stuff, especially with a B52 swirling round in your tummy….

Anyway we safely made it in and rounded up our clan for safety in numbers. I think every breathing human in there was pissed except us. There were a few that already looked like they weren’t breathing they were so pissed and we had a lot of catching up to do. Quickly.

Didn’t take long. Two ciders later we were up there dancing on tables with the rest of them. We stayed there drinking and dancing til the wee hours.

Well we moved from that particular spot once when the table broke. But we soon found another table to dance on.

Wicked bands played. Lots of talent. Good company. Great night. SQ and I had one for the road in RBs on way home, and we bounced round the danced floor a few times and then home safely.

Yep, even Suzie Q was bouncing. Mental note to feed her wine next time I need a dancing partner.

Saturday 26th

Second day hangover. Never quite sure how that’s going to be these days. Don’t do two day benders anymore but actually wasn’t too bad.

Had a bit of a sore throat after all the singing and a bit stiff after all the dancing but no long lasting damage done and only a few bruises and black toes to show for the carnage of the day before.

Met the brown mafia and went shopping at M&S sale. Bought more yoga stuff. Great, I now have 3 yoga outfits. No if I can only drag my lardy ass and jelly belly to the classes I’ll be laughing all the way to the thin scales.

We had dinner then I went to theirs for a game of cards. I had to let SQ win this time coz I am sick of hearing about how many times I won on holiday. Actually let the record show that Yvette won. No matter what SQ tells you.

They fed me some weird and wonderful Goan concoction for my sore throat which didn’t work but tasted ok so drank it anyway.

It certainly couldn't do anymore damage than already done at weekend anyway.

And at least I didn't need the orange bucket again.


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