Nix in Dubai 2006

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

F*ck*d Fone!

Well the time has finally come as I knew it would one day.

My good old faithful Nokia has finally been laid to rest.

Bought 3 years ago because of the free MMS services I thought I was missing out on and haven't used once yet, I promptly cracked the screen two days later.
Yep, she has survived more than most.....
The swimming pool, the washing machine, been sat on, stood on, cracked, dropped, thrown, lost and found again and cost me obscene amounts of money after 3am on Thursday and Friday mornings. Cursed at, shouted at, moaned in, cried in, spilt on, dribbled on and most importantly laughed in.

Gone but not forgotten and I truly will miss the cracked screen but I now have a newer, funkier, sexier, smaller version. Bit like me maturing with age really.

And as if I didn't spend enough on a new phone, I also bought a sexy new Canon camera so I can put more pics on my blog.

And there's more, there's more......

I finally bought the hoodgie-me-wostit that goes in my car so that I can listen to my MP3 player. Now I can also listen to audio books on the way home when I am stuck in the traffic at night. Wicked.

And its ok Dave, I promise I won't listen to my meditation stuff in the car....

But I will be that calm, confident and perfect person soon.

So watch out, Nikki's about, with a wee evidence catching machine.....


P.S. If you haven't sent me your number yet I won't be calling you anytime soon.


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