Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, September 03, 2006

What NOT to do, and what TO DO.

Thursday 31st

Needless to say I didn’t make it further than my bed and the sofa today. Pizza and movies was all I could manage. Up until 6pm even water was a struggle.

What not to do....

I realised (for about the hundredth time) that I really can’t drink bull frogs. Red bull makes me bounce of walls more than usual. Red bull mixed with 5 white spirits is a lethal concoction that spells trouble for me.

So apologies to anyone that tried to talk to me and didn’t get an English answer.

Alien mother tongue was all that was available in my head after about 1am.

Friday 1st September

What to do....

Trumpet fanfare, drum roll, bang on the bongos and a wee jig on the fiddle….


I am very proud of me.

So me and my very very sore throat (day 6) went out to celebrate. As you do.

Same old same old but good fun had by all and we danced til the wee hours.

I imagine hangovers are like child birth. You forget the pain easily. If not you wouldn’t keep doing it.

Well actually, I’m as sure as hell won’t be freezing over anytime soon that I won’t be giving birth the day after the morning after the night before, but you get the gist.


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