Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Finally caught up!

Wed 6th

Ah bliss. Long lie in today. Girls safely off to airport at silly o’clock this morning and I have nothing to do all day.

Went shopping with Claire and I got my first ever pair of leather knee length boots. Woo hoo. And I mean ever. That’s the problem a girl has when she has teeny wee feet and big fat calves all her life. (muscle of course). So now I just have to learn to walk in them and I’m off! They are not as sexy lexy as I had in mind but hey it’s a start, I got them on that’s the main thing.

I was so excited I wanted to wear my new boots in bed but she wouldn’t let me. Party pooper.

Thursday 7th

Oh no…. back to work today. But not a real working day coz my boss is here and so we just did catch up and brainstorming. Not that my brain managed to storm very much as I was still in holiday mode.

I went for dinner at Left Bank and then went to see my wee pal Dave Crane tonight at the Madinat Theatre for his stage hypno show. I went with Becki, Lou and Laura and we all had a scream. I’ve seen some of the show before but lots of new stuff and I still nearly peed my pants laughing! He rocks.

If I ever publish my blog, or write the book that’s in my head, it will be dedicated to Dave, my personal Life Designer.

I went straight from work so had my car. Then we went to Jam Base. Can’t get my head round that place. Band too loud to talk and not fast enough to dance. Yep. Jazz band. If I ever get a boyfriend I will go back for dinner. Not before.

So back to Left Bank. Stayed there til one, drinking my cokes, then drove the girls to Double Decker.

Four drunk girls in my car, me sober.

I am still not quite sure how I made it as far as DDs but I managed not to break bones or draw blood, There should def be a bruise on Tinks arm though from fighting her off my horn for the hundredth time.

God girls are annoying when they are pissed….. :O)

So dumped them and I went home to bed by 2am. Woo hoo, no hangover tomorrow. Can’t wait.

Friday 8th

Bloody hell! 1230pm before I woke up! And felt like shit coz I’d slept too long! How funny.

Took a mad turn and cleaned out the big cupboard and pottered around in the flat all day coz the weather was shit and was determined not to sit on my arse and watch dvds.

AND CAUGHT UP WITH MY BLOG! Hope I can read my scribbles ok but if any facts are wrong it’s because I have typed this today going back as far as the 17th OCTOBER!!!

Missed typing it every other night, but then left it for so long it became one of those monster Head List things to do that I just kept putting off.

Cool – done now. Tick.


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