Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, December 11, 2006

Beasties in the Biscuits, Venom in the Vodka.

So our first night oot in bonny Cyprus. SQ wimped as she had a tour early the next morning and mam went back to her hotel so it was just me and the Vampire out on the tiles.

We had a few nibbles before our adventure into town. We will not be adventuring into the shop across the street again though.

There were beasties in the biscuits. And they certainly didn’t add to the flavour. Thankfully Vamp discovered this and not me. So I don’t have beasties in my belly, only V does now.

So us and the beasties in her belly got the no.30 bus into town, as you do, and headed for the Step Inn that Steve had recommended. Mam went onto here hotel. But on our way we passed a cool and trendy place called Rumours which we had to stop for one in. Well they were giving away free vodka shots so it would have been rude not to.

A coupla shots later we fell outta there and headed next door to the Step Inn. Yippee Karaoke night! The V groaned. Her favourite – not.

Couldn’t believe how many people were there all signed up to sign. Usual, some good and some baaad. Bad ones were the best of course.

Then at 2pm the side doors opened and everyone piled down to the club downstairs.

On the way down the stairs I politely asked our Scottish karaoke MC extraordinaire where he was from. He said I wouldn’t have heard of it. I said try me. He said he was from Elgin! I peed my pants and told him I was from Inverness. Who would believe I could come to Cyprus and on our first night oot our karaoke host was from bloomin’ Elgin.

It’s a small and very scary world.

No freebies downtairs but it was quite full once all the wanna be boy/girl band singers filled the place.

The cheap vodka and freebie shots started going to our heads and it was time to go home.

A few drunken beatch cat fights later, the V and I found a cab and got back to the hotel safely.

Just. Posted by Picasa


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