Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, December 11, 2006

First day in Cyprus

We finally got there and were greeted by thunder and lightening and pishing rain.

Knew I should’ve brought my wellies.

We were picked up by a cheery but difficult to understand driver and went to our hotel which was only about 40 mins from airport.

When we arrived there was a big bus outside. Not surprising when you arrive at a hotel I guess. But when the second one, also names Saga Tours rolled up I had to ask.

I wish I hadn’t. Apparently Saga Tours is a famous OAP tour company. Yep, our hotel was a Saga hotel.

To get the full gist of that statement you have to realise that we 30-somethings-hoping-to-act-like-20-somethings on holiday were now sharing a hotel with 50 over 60 years olds. My mum will be delighted.

Not much chance of any talent at the pool then. That’s ok – how bad could it be…….

My mum and her poor nose had been zooming around Limassol on the number 30 bus all week so she was there in a flash after we arrived.

God her poor wee nose. Bless. Still it wasn’t broken and her glasses were ok too so that was the positive side.

We just lounged around in afternoon and unpacked our cases and explored the hotel little. We wanted to empty the fridge and use it for juice and ice etc and when the porter we called up came to empty it we were told that we had to pay $2 a day if we emptied it and were not allowed to put any stuff from outside in it.

Yeah right. That really made sense. So rather than pay $2 for an empty fridge for 5 days we took a vote and the majority was to leave it fully stocked, locked and therefore free.


So off we went to the wee shop across the road to stock up on supplies that would not be kept in the fridge.

Josh gave me Steve Johnson’s number (ex channel 4 radio presenter for those who have forgotten) and I gave him a call to find out first hand the insider local tips and tricks of Limassol. He came to the hotel to meet me for a quick “Limassol what to do and what not to do briefing” and I noted it all down like a good little tourist.

He used to work in Dubai and I remember him vaguely but didn’t know him before. He came with his son, Gavin, and both were good crack and so we said we would meet up again for a drink/dinner/boogie sometime through the week.

Inshallah! Posted by Picasa


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