Nix in Dubai 2006

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Xmas Eve

Actually put a tree up this year. Although I didn't put it up sideways like the picture!
Well thought I had better as I was having dinner at my house. Thought I would hate it, but as you can see, it was quite a creation.

And as I didn't want to get sick again i actually stayed in and chopped veggies and laid the table for tomorrow.

Aw, bless me being domestic on Xmas eve. Oh my God, does this mean I am actually starting to act my age.

Well we will soon sort that out soon as I feel better again.

Extremely bored, there is not even any Xmas telly on here.

But with a wee bit of colour back in my cheeks and starting to feel human again, I went to bed early like a good wee girl should and without so much as a sniff of a vodka.



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