Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ladies lunch at Country Club

Sunday 17th December

Well it started like any other Sunday back at work after the weekend. Slowly.

We had been invited the Dubai Country Club for Xmas Ladies Lunch but I was very busy and swithered whether to go or not.

The girls were looking forward to it so I said as long as we were back by 3pm.

So Mel, Jaylene and I went off for what we thought would be a quick turnkey sandwich, xmas pie and back to work.

We were definitely not prepared for, or dressed for, the sumptuous 4 course dinner that was ahead of us.

And the sexy singer they had crooning to us all afternoon.

Unfortunately the lunch also included free wine.

Fortunately I had my car so refrained after one.

Unfortunately Emad had remembered it was my birthday tomorrow which meant that Champaign was sent over to our table and a strawberry birthday cake so it would have been very rude not to drink it.

The surprise also included me having to do a solo dance with the sexy singer to "Once, twice, three times a lady" in front of everyone.

My face was the colour of my red blouse.

Not usually into black men but my new singing friend had me quivering like jelly on the dance floor and I would have broken all rules there and then if I didn't have an audience of about 50 extremely jealous women watching me.

So after two bottles of wine and the Champaign finished we were ready to party.

Spook. On way out saw the cute boy from Cyprus again. Very strange. Coincidence or scene from Serendipity? Time will tell. Ah well, if i thought he was that cute I would have stopped to talk.

Mmm IBO, Twisted Melonds. I didn't blog that night, when was it, last week? Oh well, can't remember to tell you all everything, guess some of its censored!

Anyway, when Caroline and I walked into IBO this boy was standing at the bar that we had seen in Cyprus. I noticed him in the Step Inn, but didn't speak to him and I should have coz he was cute.

So got my chance in IBO.

I said hi were you in Cyprus in Eid.
Yes was his answer.
Oh i thought it was you, how are you doing?
Ok then, well just thought I'd say hello.
Sorry I don't remember you.

And off he walked!

I am so cool with boys. They just can't resist my charm. Not!!

Oh well hey its all practice for 2007.

His loss.

Anyway, back to the impromtu Xmas party. So the three of us went to Double Decker. Which was not prepared for three girls in Xmas hats ready to party.

We made our loud and grand entrance only to slink off to the side and order more wine when we realised the footie was on and it was all hairy arsed English fans watching another important game.

A couple of Welsh lads came to chat for a while until Greg came to collect the girls and they piled me into a taxi to go home.

Well that was the plan. Unfortunately when I got home in my wisdom I decided it wasn't actually time to go home and I had it in my wee head I wanted to take the bells in for my birthday.

So I got changed and went to RBs - alone.


Anyway, Sami and Joshua were there so I knew I was safe.

I remember doing a burl for the band coz they knew it was my birthday.

I remember falling over and Sami picking me up after doing the burl.

That's about all I remember.

I am NEVER drinking bull frogs again.....


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