Nix in Dubai 2006

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Forgive me friends for I have sinned...

Forgive me friends for I have sinned, its been a few days since my last blog.

Can't tell you ALL my sins since last week on-line but a few below.

Anyway, five hail Nikki's and one my Father's and woo hoo, I'm forgiven. (Although I imagine his sins are a lot worse than mine....)

So I've been a busy little bee last 10 days.

Last week was the Arabian Travel Market and I was there every day clucking over my five display stands like a proud wee mother hen should do. Quite successful although the launch of my new LCD screen stands didn't happen. In typical Dubai style, , the display stands were not delivered until the day before the ATM and of course were not to spec and the lcd screens didn't work. Ho hum. Just as well I have lived here for a while and had a plan B.

After first two hours cheeks were sore smiling, shoulder aching with carrying crap and feet were swollen and killing me. By the end I had truly lost the will to walk.

But I was very impressed this year. Especially loved the Dubailand robot and the Jack Bauer look alike! Corrrr - just finished watching series 4 so he was very lucky to escape unruffled this time.

I went to Lou and Kerry's pool party. Great stuff, met a few peeps I have not seen for a while and met a few new peeps too. BTW - the "pool" was a 3" high, 20" wide inflatable paddling pool which wasn't even deep enough to soothe my sore feet. Tequilla table helped though.

Afterwards we went to Boston then RBs. Well I remember RBs coz I danced, but Boston??? Yvie assures me I was there but like I said the Tequilla table was good....

Went to Laura's birthday at Trader Vics at Madinat. Excellent night. Great cuban band and lots of salsa dancing show offs on the dance floor. Very entertaining although music so loud we couldn't talk. We all shared a cocktail served in a mini bath tub (as big as Lou and Kerry's pool) with 2 foot long straws. First two sips were hard work to swallow but after third one my mouth was numb and taste buds and brain cells frazzled. Then went to RBs, don't think I went anywhere before that but then again who knows...

We met a group of lads from the Navy there and seconds before I started running to the nearest hills I actually tried a new tactic of smiling and talking other than the usual "man hating she devil from hell when drinking" tactic and surprisingly had a proper conversation. Which is a very rare event in RBs. They turned out to be ok and I should have been on the HMS Glouster last night as a guest at the Chief Petty Officers Social (which apparently is an honour with the Captain there etc but I have no idea!) but had to decline as at BNI meeting this morning so 530 am start. Very tired already but getting used to it now and its very productive for me so don't mind getting up in the dark now if it keeps bringing me business.

Lovely chilled day. Beach and yoga. Then cooked a monster pan of home made soup on Sat night to keep me going all week. Scrummy.

Week started shit at work. I now have to find a new sales executive urgently so if you didn't get my e-mail and know anyone who wants to work with me doing my sales please call me urgently!

Other than that work is great just now. Two new projects just launched, Destination Dubai (series of 5 collectable mini cards) and the Dubai Map (beautiful illustrated map being hand made in Kenya).

Plus a third up my sleeve which I can't tell you about yet or I will have to cut your tongue out. Oh and chop off your fingers so you can't type. In fact I would have to poke your eyes out too so you could not read my blog either. Mmmm this is getting into the Vampire's territory, I must be spending too much time with her...

Going to Chicago tonight. Got freebies from my Aunti SQ. Going to take a cushion in case they are VIP seats. According to 7days I will need one!

What I learned last week....

1/ There are no comfortable shoes made on the planet yet that are designed to allow you to trail round hundreds of stands in a 5 hall exhibition for 4 days. My solution - slippers! If I set up a stand selling slippers at all exhibitions I would be very rich very quick! (I have already patented the idea so forget pinching it!)

2/ 9 foot robots can sing and dance.

3/ a 4 foot person/it/thing who is painted/dressed to look like a plant on stilts can make you scream louder than you ever thought possible in public.

4/ Tequilla truly kills brain cells. Actually I had learned this already so why do I keep going back for a refresher course? Anyone else I spoke to in Boston - just in case - sorry - again!

5/ As someone with a strong 6th sense, people still never fail to surprise me. Some good, some bad but always interesting enough to make life challenging. Oh well what does not kill me will make me stronger.

Debi once told me that friends are either for a season, a reason or a lifetime. Luckily for me I have enough lifetime friends to make up for the seasonal and unreasonable ones!

Open to suggestions for this weekend if anyone is doing anything exciting?

Whatever you do this weekend, live and let live.



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