Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

Sun 2nd July - oh my God..

Oh my God. How much did I drink last night? I couldn’t move my head until 3pm and felt like I'd been run over by a steam roller.

When I went through the house, or rather “ben the hoose” (the accent is starting to kick back in) I got that look of my Mam, you know, that one that only your Mam can give you and make you feel like that. Oh well, its tradition that I always have at least one bad bender when we are together, she should be more worried if I didn’t.

Needless to say I didn’t manage to do anything the rest of the day except play with the dogs and watch telly.

Caroline by chance saw our old school buddy today. With a big fat wedding ring on. She gave her loud condolences about the break up and he nearly shit his pants trying to keep her quiet.

Boys are stupid.

Fortunately we were not stupid the night we met him and none of us had fallen for his practiced Invernesian charm that night. Still a toad tho’. What a chancer. You know who you are….


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