Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, August 20, 2006

BNI Jet lag...again...

Monday 14th

I got up at very silly o’clock today – 5am! Had BNI open day and members had to be there by 630am to help greet visitors.

I was on the signing in desk and although my eyes were open there wasn’t really anyone home until about 9am when I had to speak in front of 71 people. That’s always a good way to make sure you wake up. I truly nearly peed my pants. It didn’t sound like my voice coming out through the mike and when they all laughed at my wee joke I had to turn round to check there wasn’t someone behind me pulling faces.

My heart was thumping so loud I really thought I was going to have a heart attack. How do people do it, this public speaking thing I mean. Its nuts. Respect to all who do. Seriously.

Anyway, I must have done something right coz they have asked me again to be on the committee. I am thinking about it. If it wasn’t my buddy Dave Crane asking it would have been a definite no fucking way and there would be nothing to think about. Oh well its all self development which is always high on my agenda. One day I will be confident enough to sing karaoke in RBs! How sad is that. My goals need to be higher. Ok one day I will be confident enough to…… I’ll get back to you on that one.

And Yvie you will be glad to know that my drawers were in the right legs this time so bonus.

Got freebie tickets to go see the movie Cars at the cinema in Ibn Battuta. Four of us went and although not as good as my all time favourite Ice Age, still giggled out loud a few times. Pop corn for dinner didn’t help the diet though. My advice, get it from Karama rather than a trip to the movies.

So work, yoga, movies. Good day for a Monday.


  • At 3:03 AM, Blogger Nikki said…

    Mmm didn't know you all had to create your own blog to add comments.

    I just thought no-one was reading it!

    Ok will look into it mammy. Glad you like it!

    Makes me happy if you are laughing!



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