Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Boobs, big problem if you got em, wee problem if you don't.


We had our staff Iftar tonight at the Oasis Beach hotel. It was lovely. We have a very nice team just now, I am a very proud mother hen.

Today I achieved 1 out of 5.

Wed 4th

Paul and I went to get the t-shirts for the Charity Cheers night at the Mall of the Emirates this aftie. “They are wicked man” as Paul said.

It proved a small problem trying to buy a top that would suit both Cally and I as Cally is the skinniest girl I know (well except Becki) and I have boobs at the moment that would give me black eyes on a tread mill unless fully strapped down.

I shouldn’t complain coz I guess they will be the first thing to go when I do start loosing the puppy fat.

Chose the safest option, vest tops. Nothing falls out of them.

Went out at night to The Cellar with the brown mafia and Joe & Evelyn, who we had stayed with in London in the summer. I love it there, it is such a nice restaurant and the service and food is always fab.

Very nice day, can’t wait for Charity Cheers tomorrow.

Today I achieved 1 out of 5.


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