Nix in Dubai 2006

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I don't wanna dance..... Oh yes I do!

Thursday 21st

Oh my God what a day at work! Left the office at 930 and sat down to my dinner at 1030. By which time there was no way I was going to get my tooshie into the shower and start to pluck, shave, shampoo, tan and brush and get ready to go out at 11pm so put my flanalette pjs on and couried myself in and watched a crap movie and went to bed.

Missed Janet’s house warming. Sorry huney! But had a face like a skelped arse so probably wouldn’t have been my usual party animal wee self anyway.

Friday 22nd

Was back at work on Friday morning. Oh well, givers gain they say. Just seem to be waiting a wee while to get mine back…

Then went to the Vampires pool but she was a big snoozer looser and didn’t get out of bed to join me. I had the pool to myself. Bliss.

Mairead’s birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEE UN! So off to Ginsing to her black and white party.

Haven’t been there for ages. It was a great night but Ramdan was called and the DJ had to step down. Back ground music on so still good crack but very civilized and home by 2am.

And damn it, I had put my dancing boots on for a good old boogie thinking it was my last night before Ramadan. Oh well, it’s only a month and I’ve survived all past years.

Scissor Sisters new single seems very appropriate right now. Shame it makes me bounce the purple frog across lanes when it comes on, I will have to try and control myself for the next few weeks in case I get arrested for singing in the car.

And of course WOO HOO I don’t have to worry about where to smoke this year either. Ha ha ha ha ha to all those hiding round the back of bins, buildings, four wheels and palm trees for a quick puff.

I hope it’s not still too humid for you all out there….


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